All SGAS members are invited to enter artworks into our Society’s 2021 Online Art Exhibition. This exhibition has been organized as an alternative to the traditional SGAS Annual Art Show, which, once again, cannot be run in the usual format in 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions. It is therefore not possible to have our normal Opening Night nor the traditional presentation of awards.
Submitted by : 28th October 2021
An online entry form has been developed on the SGAS website for direct registration of artwork details.
The online entry from is the preferred and most practical way to register your artwork for the online exhibition, however for those without access to the SGAS website, a hardcopy entry form is available upon request.
Manual entry forms should be scanned and emailed to the SGAS President at
Images of Artworks to be uploaded by: 28th October 2021
If any assistance is required with uploading images, please email Karin;
Online Exhibition Launch: 5th November 2021
Only 2021/22 financial members of St. George Art Society may enter
Entry fee: $5 per artwork
Maximum No. of Entries: 7
Fees should be paid via EFT to St. George Art Society
Bank Details:
BSB: 032 055
Account No.: 871 299
Alternatively, cheques should be made payable to: St. George Art Society and sent to
PO Box 4045 Kogarah Bay NSW 2217
Artworks must be the unaided, original, signed work of the artist and have been created in the last 12 months. All artworks are for sale.
The exhibition of artworks has been categorized according to subject, for online users and to enhance the opportunities for sales.
The subject categories are
More traditional media-based categories will apply for the judging of Awards. There will be judging and acknowledgement of outstanding artworks for the following categories:
Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Mixed Media, Drawing, Abstract, Still Life and People/Portraits.
Special awards include Award for Excellence, Peoples’ Choice Award and the St. George Acknowledgement Award.
As judging will take place on the image provided, it is important to submit an image of high quality and resolution, which can clearly be depicted on the website and allow the viewer to zoomed in for close up viewing. For each painting, the image must be at least 900 pixels across, but no larger than 2MB.
SGAS committee members will be available to assist with photographing your artwork.
For instructions on high quality artwork photography, please go to:
Framing of artworks is not required for the Online Art Exhibition. The image will be exhibited without framing however supported images of framed artworks can be submitted to enhance the artwork.
It is the responsibility of the artist to ensure that the artworks are well wrapped and supported for delivery to the buyer by post or courier. Alternatively mutual arrangements may be made for time and place of pick up.
Courier costs will be determined by OzArt Finder (Online Exhibition Sales Support) and added to the sale cost provided by the artist.
10% to OzArt Finder (Online Exhibition Sales Support)
In view of artist delivery cost (above), no commission will be required to St. George Art Society.
Copyright © 2022 St George Art Society Inc All Rights Reserved ABN 55 596 026 584