Watercolour Classes

Fees for our Watercolour sessions are just $15 for Members and $20 for Non Members.

Our EFT: Direct Deposit SGAS EFT Westpac Bank BSB: 032-055 A/C: 871299 (SURNAME)

Please contact us if you would like any further information on our Watercolour classes.

Thursday, 28th November, 2024

Our November Watercolour class was all about buildings, the sequence of Composition and Design analysis for painting a country house.

Composition and Design is absolutely critical to paintings of buildings also considering Tone: big shadow shapes, highlights or lightest-lights next to darkest darks.

A great way to end the watercolour year. Thanks Rod.

Thursday, 22nd August, 2024

Our subject this month was a still life of Spanish onions, – time to break out our reds, purple and opera pink.  We tackled dark shadows with varying tones of watercolour and the medium’s unique ability to create luscious colour-runs between an object and it’s shadow.     

We also touched on the history of still life with examples of  paintings by Van Gogh and Piet Mondrian.       

September is the Portia Geach Portrait Award time so next month we will look at the female portrait and explore watercolour paint’s uniqueness to granulate.

Thursday, 23rd May, 2024

Virginia Villa’s watercolour class was all about using graded washes, variegated washes and lifting out techniques on a still life project.

Always a productive and informative evening.

Thursday, 22nd February, 2024

February’s Watercolour class with Virginia Villa at Ramsgate RSL was all about allowing the water to work its magic. 

Virginia’s class is held on the 4th Thursday evening of the month learning the beautiful effects of this medium.

Thursday, 26th October, 2023

Our monthly watercolour class at Ramsgate RSL, with Virginia Villa was once again so informative.

We worked with graded washes and also used lifting out techniques to create some beautiful magnolias.

We all came away satisfied and motivated to continue to use these techniques particularly with flowers.

Thursday, 28th September, 2023

Wren Craw held last Thursday night’s watercolour with a special Fx and Fun as the theme. 

The class played with salt, masking fluid, toothpicks, alcohol tissues and even a bit of gouache.

Great fun experimenting.

Thursday, 24th August, 2023

Applying Watercolour washes was the focus of Thursday evening’s class at Ramsgate RSL.  Our accredited teacher, Virginia Villa taught the techniques related to applying washes.  Virginia also talked about papers and mediums to use. Another informative class with great results.

Thursday, 27th July, 2023

The July watercolour class  with Virginia Villa held at Ramsgate RSL, focused on completing a botanical themed composition using negative painting techniques, lifting out and using a minimal colour palette.  

Next month Virginia will look at mastering techniques that will allow us to craft elegant simple washes.