ArtAbility Classes

St George Art Society ‘ArtAbility’ Classes
are held on the second, third and sometimes the 4th Tuesday in each month (if there are 5 Tuesdays in a particular month). 

These 2 hourly sessions starting from 2pm are conducted by Angela Iliadis.  Each class explores a variety of styles and techniques using various mediums including mixed media.

These friendly and supportive classes cost just $10 for members and $15 for non-members.

Don’t forget to bring your own materials.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 17th
December, 2024

For our final class this year, students enjoyed working on their own projects, using a variety of mediums.

We will look forward to returning in early 2025 to continue our experiments to create interesting and unique artworks under the guidance of Angela.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 10th
December, 2024

Participants continued to work on their individual projects using watercolour and acrylic paint as well as graphite and markers.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 19th
 November, 2024

Once again our ArtAbility students worked on their own projects, painting a variety of subjects and using a variety of mediums.  These included the following;

  • portraiture using soft pastels
  • printmaking using acrylic paint
  • sketching with graphite
  • drawing with graphite and colouring pencils
  • printmaking using meat trays and watercolour paint.
  • acrylic paint on a meat trays.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 12th
 November, 2024

This week’s ArtAbility session, students worked on their own projects which included Picasso inspired artwork, sketching, mixed media, abstract using complementary colours and the very popular medium of using pen and wash. 

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 22nd
 October, 2024

At this week’s ArtAbility class, a great variety of options were available for our students to work on. 
These included the following;

Pencil sketching, Portraiture focusing on symmetry, Landscape using oil paint and cold wax medium, Pen and wash using watercolour paint, Acrylic paintings and Abstracts using acrylic paints.

It was a very productive afternoon.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 15
th October, 2024

At this week’s session we produced pencil drawings, printmaking with meat trays using acrylic paint and watercolours.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 17
th September, 2024

We followed on from our session last week in which some of the students continued working on their own paintings whilst others made more progress on their printmaking projects.

It was great to see the variety of work produced at this session.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 10
th September, 2024

We had fun painting on meat trays and carving into meat trays to create designs for printmaking.

Some participants were drawing and painting using watercolour and acrylic paints.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 20
th August, 2024

A variety of experimental work was done at our most recent ArtAbility class. 
The participants experimented with rock salt on wet watercolour painting which created interesting effects. 
Some used collage, whilst others focused on developing their drawing skills or painted intuitively.

Angela also offered her assistance with some of the student’s unfinished works from previous classes.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 13th August, 2024

Assistance was given on composition using oil pastels and watercolour, and we discussed
the difference between good art materials and poor art materials. 
We also discussed the importance of editing a photograph when creating an artwork.

Here are some works done during the session whilst still in progress.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 23rd July, 2024

Everyone worked on their own projects with guidance from Angela.

They used a variety of mediums including, graphite pencils, acrylic paint, watercolours, drawing pens and pastel pencils.  

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 16th July, 2024

Another very enjoyable and productive afternoon in which everyone worked on their own drawings, paintings and mixed media projects.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 9th July, 2024

We had a wonderful afternoon. Everyone was working on their own projects.  We had a variety of topics and mediums.

Some members brought in works that they didn’t know how to finish at home and completed them in the class to their satisfaction.

It was a fun afternoon full of happiness and joy.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 18th June, 2024

Another great turn out this week at our ArtAbility Class. 

Whilst the main focus this week was drawing, using stencils, painting and collage, some artists continued on their works from last week.

Once again it was an enjoyable session experimenting and learning new painting techniques. 

Here are a few of the interesting artworks produced, – some completed and some still in the process to be completed.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 11th June, 2024

We had a great turn out at our recent ArtAbility Class. 

Some artists worked on drawing techniques using graphite, while others explored the Japanese sumi-e techniques using black Indian ink in three tones and fine point drawing pens.  The paint used was watercolour and acrylic.

Artists who didn’t complete their artworks will continue working on them next week.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 21st May, 2024

Once again, those who joined us in this week’s ArtAbility Class continued to work on their own projects.

Angela offered her help and guidance on their progress throughout the afternoon, and here are some of the lovely and colourful works created.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 23rd April, 2024


This week, in our ArtAbility Class, the participants worked on their own projects. 

It was great to see the variety of subjects and mediums used in this class.  Once again Angela offered her expert advice and guidance whenever it was required.

Here are a few of the works in progress that were created in this class.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 16th April, 2024

Our most recent ArtAbility Class held this week was exploring techniques using collage and watercolours. 

Here are just two of the lovely artworks produced at this class.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 9th April, 2024

The focus at our ArtAbility on the 9th April, was to paint using a palette knife and we also created some monotypes.  

Participants were then free to finish off their artworks using a combination of palette knife and brushes. 

Here are a few images of their works in progress.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 20th March, 2024

A small class of just five students enjoyed this week’s ArtAbility class.  

In addition to Angela’s guidance, the class worked together to help and encourage
one another and produced some wonderfully colourful and innovative artworks.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 13th March, 2024

Another great variety of artworks were created in this class.  
Several of the images shown here are work in progress which is always interesting to see. 

As with our previous class, the students enjoyed working on their own projects,
but always appreciate Angela’s expert help and guidance whenever required.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 13th February, 2024

Our first ArtAbility session for this year, everyone enjoyed working on their own projects.

A Kandinsky drawing was shown in the class which inspired some of the students who attempted to paint their own abstract artworks.

A great variety of innovated artworks were created as can be seen here.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 12th December, 2023

Our final ArtAbility class for 2023 was a lovely afternoon enjoyed by all. 

Students created artworks in mixed media using oils, pastels and watercolour.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 21st November, 2023

Another enjoyable afternoon of drawing and painting and some experiments in creating collage artworks.


ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 14th November, 2023

It was a fun afternoon. We explored watercolour pencils, acrylic paint and watercolour paint. 

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 24th October, 2023

This week we experimented using palette knives with watercolour paint. 

Another enjoyable session exploring different methods to create unique and interesting artworks.


ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 17th October, 2023

The focus was to apply the paint using a palette knife only. One participant chose to continue working on her pastel paper.

Everyone enjoyed the afternoon.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 19th September 2023

The focus in this class was using ink and watercolour.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 12th September 2023

Activity 1: 
The focus was symmetry in faces using watercolour. 
Everyone got a picture of half a face from a magazine and they had to draw the  other half.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 15th August 2023

This week our focus was using soft pastels on pastel paper or watercolour paper.
Everyone enjoyed using the soft pastels and produced lovely artworks.


ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 8th August 2023

The focus of the lesson was to create a mixed media artwork using oil pastels and watercolour paint on watercolour paper.
In addition, one member printed a few lino cut prints.  It was a fun and super creative afternoon.


ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 18th July, 2023

At our ArtAbility Class this week, each person worked on his or her own project. 
They had the choice to either paint flowers in watercolours, or landscapes using
Acrylic paints or to create some wonderful artworks using Linocut Printmaking.

ArtAbility Class held on Tuesday 11th July 2023

Another interesting and informative ArtAbility class held by Angela Iliadis held on Tuesday.

Here are a few of the interesting artworks produced at the class.


ArtAbility class on Tuesday 23rd May, 2023 – Acrylic & Oils without turps

The focus was to use acrylic or oil paint (without turps) and a palette knife only to create artworks.

Comments from Deborah Lee who attended this ArtAbility session;

The palette knife is usually ignored in my art tools, but from one knife, I could thickly ‘butter’, use the edges, dab and scrape for varied effects without muddying the paint or needing water between colours.  The thicker paint did seem to find its way onto my nose, sleeve and car keys!

Many vibrant works created by all.  Thanks Angela.


ArtAbility class on Tuesday 16th May 2023 – Neurographic Art

The focus was Neurographic Art which is a technique, which comprises drawing freeform lines or “neuro lines”. These are meant to enable the connection between the conscious and unconscious, gaining access to the inner self by using a specific algorithm or method.