In 2020 the St. George Art Society created ‘ARTBANK’ initially as an exercise to keep members inspired and artistically active during the  COVID 19 lockdowns.

Now well into 2021, SGAS continues to challenge its members with new projects to keep them busy during these difficult times.


un-predictable images



storeroom for valuables


The power of perception by the senses



Welcome to ARTBANK

New Challenge for October 2021


Have you ever felt like you just want to Scream?

Well, Don Kibble is giving us a chance to do just that with his Creative Challenge for October – SCREAM!

It may be how a lot of us feel after being in lockdown for so long, but Don is leaving it up to our members.
Perhaps we are feeling a bit better about life now we are approaching some key targets.

Here our members are being creative and showing you in their artworks how they are feeling!

A few Artworks by Don Kibble and a final frightening one for Halloween at the end of October


Painting by Rosalie Duligal “Scream of the Rabbit “

 ‘Women’ –  many of us  are screaming.  Many of us have to home school and run the home. do the shopping, keep everyone fed and scared to go out of the burrow we have created to go and get food.   I felt like a scared rabbit most of the time.. So this is my “Scream”

Painting by Peter Michalandos


“Screaming My Love All The Way to You”   by Bree Riley

Painting Meaning:

To express how we are feeling after being in lockdown for so long, the SGAS Don Kibble creative challenge for October is SCREAM. I thought about it and challenge accepted. 

I’ve spoken about the impact colours have on me before. Bright colours speak so loudly to me. So loudly that sometimes they scream. I don’t normally like to spend a lot of time with them for that reason but my Mum loves bright orange, yellow and red and I miss her. 

This vicarious lady is called “Screaming My Love All The Way to You” and it represents the complex and often conflicting emotions that have been woven together during lockdown. Until we can be reunited with our loved ones, it is about sitting with and embracing the uncomfortable. 



The Scream Cave by Jenny Jiang Wassell
Oil on canvas 40 x 40cm



The Scream Baby by Jenny Jiang Wassell
Oil on canvas 16 x 26cm

Don’s Artbank Challenge for September 2021

Spring Challenge

In September, lots of gardens will now be sprouting with colour and texture…..two things that are important when making art images.
The challenge is to not just paint flowers but to create images that are visually striking through the creative use of colour and texture.

Painting by Marlene Weaver   
‘Lavender and Violets’

Painting by Angela Iliadis ‘Missing the Beach’   
Medium: tissue paper and glue

Painting by Angela Iliadis ‘Where’s Kitty?’
Medium mixed media

Painting by Rosalie Duligal
This work was inspired by my constant gardening in lockdown.  Pulling and tugging left me with clumps of earth, that were full of life, little flowers and of course insects.  Constantly enchanted with what I find, watching everything change to spring.   Medium: Oil on linen 50cm x 40cm.

Painting by Debbie Lee
‘Lotus and Lily Pads’
This work uses colour and overlapping shapes of colour to achieve a sense of texture. Debbie wanted to depict something more exotic than her own backyard. 
Medium:  Acrylic on canvas 24cm x 30cm


Painting by Melissa Martin
‘Bloom Fest’

 Medium: Alcohol Inks on smooth edged board.

Painting by Melissa Martin
‘Springtime Blues’
Mono painting and tea staining, ink wash and painting.
Teas (black, dandelion and butterfly blue tea), blue ink, paint pen on watercolour paper.

Artwork by Don Kibble
Title:  “Spring Maples about to Burst”
Medium: Acrylic on 200gsm watercolour paper
Size:  37cm x 27.5cm. 

Artwork by Lisa Yuen
Title: “Dancing Light”
Medium: Oil on canvas.



Artwork by Andrea Marriette
Title: “Rejuvenation in Spring”
Contemporary abstract with lots of textures in the brush strokes. Colour explosion!

Challenge for August 2021

SGAS member, Don Kibble has come up with a new challenge for our members to paint the same subject in different ways.  

Angela Iliadis is our first member to take up this challenge and we hope to see more of our members participating in this interesting challenge.

If you would like to see any of the artworks shown here in more detail, just drag the jpeg image from the website to the desktop, (right click on the image) then corner-drag to maximum viewing size.


Angela Iliadis has taken up this challenge producing three versions of her still life painting, ‘ Purple and Green Jugs’.


Francesca Hudson is our next member to take up this challenge and has produced three artworks of ‘Native Flowers’.


Carol Cook has now submitted two sketches showing two interpretations of a similar scene.

Comments and suggestions by Don Kibble

The white lines on the pictures indicate ways of looking …as in ’breaking up’ the subject.

No. 1      Reduces the background, so the focus is on the main, coloured, group.

No. 2      Brings the main group into focus, offering more interest in the figures.

No. 3     Has the all the figures in a loop around ‘Wally, with the hat getting too much attention.

No. 4     Provides a cornucopia of interest with all the images getting equal attention.
                Sometimes the media really is the message. 


Debbie Lee has submitted a different approach by showing two versions within the first painting here; a self-portrait and 3 versions of a landscape scene of the Murray River.


New paintings and sketches are shown here by Don Kibble which are intended to show the concept and progress in creating his artwork.

This painting is titled ‘Autumn’ is acrylic on canvas, size 36.5cm x 53cm

Don’s comments;

I picked up the leaves when golfing as they gave me the initial idea for the artwork which is intended to represent ‘tired’ autumn colours  …which will lead to future works for other seasons  ….the life cycles of nature. 

 ‘Along the Way’ It is a scene near where Don lives. 
Acrylic on 220gsm drawing paper  28cm x 38cm

‘Ellis Park Rockdale’ Oil on canvas 58cm x 73cm.
Comments; Out cycling, I was struck by the sun cast under the trees.

‘Smash Repairers’ Ink sketch Size: 15cm x 21cm.
Comments; An interesting contrast of concrete and pine trees.


Wren Craw has also taken up Don’s Challenge completing 3 artworks of the same landscape location.

Artbank Collection 2021


Francesca Hudson has just completed this sketch shown here 
for National Tree Day.

Another artwork for our ArtBank Collection is a Watercolour painting by Peter Michalandos titled ‘Autumn Leaves”.

Helen Hou has now completed these lovely paintings during the lockdown period.

Previous Challenges

Here is a collection of artworks previously submitted by our members, based on different themes which  included Anzac, Animals, and Autumn.